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CJUS 381 Incident Management: CRJS 381

An introduction to the basic tasks of emergency preparedness and disaster mitigation, including planning, response, and recovery. Command arrangements, coordination, and budget issues among emergency responders and between levels of government

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Robert Weaver
Jerry Falwell Library 2nd Floor
Subjects: Government, Politics

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This course cultivates an understanding of different cultures and international actions. It promotes an understanding of Western tradition and American historical aspects of emergency management and fosters university level competencies in writing, speaking, reading, analytical reasoning, computer literacy and research. It challenges students to acquire knowledge independently through research of the sciences and promotes the evaluation of moral and ethical decision making. Students will develop competence in determining an approach to vocation. This course nurtures the maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical qualities through the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian values. It cultivates the sensitivity to others with commitment to better humanity and encourages commitment to Christian life while actively communicating the Christian faith, personal integrity, and social responsibility, all achieved through Jesus Christ the Lord and personal Savior.