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Turabian Writing Guide: Title Page

This research guide provides a brief introduction to Turabian 9th edition.

Writing Center

The Liberty University Writing Center is available to provide writing coaching to students. Residential students should contact the On-Campus Writing Center for assistance. Online students should contact the Online Writing Center for assistance.

Title Page

  • For all papers that are not dissertations, use the student paper style for the title page. You can see an example of the student title page on the Writing Center's sample paper.
  • For dissertations, follow the dissertation style title page as shown in the Writing Center's dissertation sample.

Student Title Page

  • The paper's title should be in bold and
    in the middle of the page approximately eleven lines down from the top of the page.
  • Your name should be centered and approximately fifteen lines below the tile.
  • The full name of the class should be listed on the line immediately below your name, including the class number, i.e., Class 706: Introduction to Examples.
  • The month and year should be listed on the line immediately below the class information.


Page Numbers

  • The title page is not numbered. If you have a table of contents or other front matter, you can consider the title page as small roman numeral "i" but do not include a page number on the title page. The first page of the front matter begins with small roman numeral "ii", centered on the page. You can remove the page number from the title page in Word by inserting page numbers, then selecting the header, selecting Design under "Header Footer Tools" and selecting the check box for "Different First Page" as described in the screenshot below.
