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Academic Affairs for Athletics Research Guide: Websites

This research guide features resources and strategies for finding research information for our athletes.

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Recommended Websites

Evaluating a Resource

CRAAP Test: Evaluate the item you are considering to use in your research. Review the areas below to help you determine if the item is a good resource to use. The type of resource that is appropriate may vary depending on your individual research question and context.
1. Currency: What is the copyright, publication, or posting date? Is the information outdated?
2. Relevance: Is the source considered popular or scholarly? Does the source answer your research question?
3. Authority: Who is the author?  Is the author credible or an expert on the topic?  What is the author's background (experience or education)?
4. Accuracy: Does the information seem accurate? What kind of language, imagery, or tone is used (emotional, objective,        professional)?
5. Purpose: What is the purpose or motive of the source (educational, commercial, entertainment, or promotional)?  Does the source display any evident bias?

Checking the Quality of Information

Credible Sources: Checking the Quality of Information