Dramatists Guild of AmericaThe Dramatists Guild of America was established over eighty years ago, and is the only professional association which advances the interests of playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists writing for the living stage.
Society of American Fight DirectorsThe Society of American Fight Directors is an internationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safety and fostering excellence in the art of stage combat. Whether you are a producer, director, actor or teacher, we can help accelerate your stage combat skills.
Southeastern Theatre ConferenceThe Southeastern Theatre Conference is a dynamic membership organization serving a diverse constituency and reaching throughout the southeast region of the United States and beyond.
Stage Directors and Choreographers SocietySDC is the theatrical union that unites, empowers, and protects professional Stage Directors and Choreographers throughout the United States.
Theatre Communications GroupTheatre Communications Group (TCG), the national organization for the American theatre, was founded in 1961 to foster communication among professional, community and university theatres.
Virginia Theatre AssociationThe VTA is the nation's largest state theatre association, energizes the practical, intellectual and creative profile of theatre in Virginia, as it connects, develops, nurtures and advocates for theatre people of all ages, at every level, from every corner of the Commonwealth.
University Film and Video AssociationThe UFVA exists to further and develop the potentialities of the motion picture and television media for purposes of instruction and communication throughout the world; and to encourage film and video production at the various educational institutions.