In partnership with Alumni Relations, we offer a collection of databases to meet your research needs. Liberty University alumni can access these resources from anywhere for personal, non-commercial use. Use for commercial gain is not permitted.
Note: Access may be restricted for up to nine months following your date of graduation. If you have difficulty accessing any of these resources, contact the Alumni Relations Office for support.
Full-text journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays across all fields of religion and theology including Biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues from 1949 to the present
Full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional publications, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and case studies covering education, psychology, and religion
Abstracts and indexing of articles, including some full-text, covering behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial, and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology, and psychometrics
Scholarly journals and other publications primarily in full-text, covering diverse religious and spiritual studies including formal theology as well as commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions
Full-text peer-reviewed articles on a variety of topics in business such as accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources, international business, leadership, marketing, and more
Authoritative social science data sets covering a wide variety of subjects such as business, criminal justice, education, the environment, government information, housing, labor, the military, transportation, and more
For more information, view this brief tutorial on using Sage Data.
Full-text journals from SAGE Publications covering health sciences, social sciences and humanities, materials sciences and engineering, and life and biomedical sciences
For more information, view this brief tutorial on using SAGE Journals.
Literature review tool with key readings in business and management; counseling and psychotherapy; criminology and criminal justice; education; geography, earth, and environmental science; health and social care; media, communication, and cultural studies; politics and international relations; psychology; and sociology
For more information, view this brief tutorial on using SAGE Navigator.