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Faculty Services: Residential Faculty

This research guide features resources and strategies for finding information and conducting research particularly relevant to faculty

Check out Materials

To see the policies regarding materials you check out see our Borrowing Policies.

Students Checking out Materials for You

  • A Liberty University faculty member may grant permission for another member of the Liberty University community (Proxy) to check out library resources on their behalf for research purposes.
  • Faculty who wish to have student assistants check out material for them should complete the online Proxy Form.
  • No paper permission forms will be accepted unless they are hand-delivered by the faculty member, to be kept on file.  
  • To protect yourself and students, please don't ask students to check out materials for your use in their name.

Document Delivery

We will have library materials delivered to your department secretary.  These can either be materials from our collection or borrowed from other libraries.  

Either way, to take advantage of this service you will need to create an Illiad account and place Illiad requests.  For more details, see Document Delivery.

Arthur S. DeMoss Learning Center

DeMoss Learning Center

Course Reserves

Course Reserves Form and Guidelines

The Customer Service Center staff can place print materials on reserve for your class. This may include copies of journal articles, personal books or titles from the library’s collection.  

All materials on reserve are now located at the Customer Service Center, except Curriculum Library materials.  An online form to list the items you wish to place on reserve is available here: Course Reserve List. For further help with reserve materials call the Customer Service Center at 434-582-2506 or the Curriculum Library Service Desk at 434-592-3361.

Library Research Instruction

  • Library Research Instruction is available to support the teaching and research needs of faculty and students by introducing them to the resources and services provided by the JFL.  
  • To request instruction, contact your department Liaison Librarian.
  • If there any questions, contact Amanda Hahn (Head,Research Assistance and Instruction ) at 434-592-3318.


Selection of Materials to be Requested for the Library Collection

The goal of the Liberty University Library is to provide the Liberty University community with a rich and varied collection of materials.



Connecting Students to Articles

Provide persistent links

  • Within Canvas, provide students with persistent links (also called permalinks) to the articles you want them to read.
  • Only by using persistent links will students be able to access articles both on and off campus.
  • See our comprehensive OpenAthens Guide for instructions on creating accessible links for your course, if the link to the article or e-book is not provided by the database.

Links to databases are preferable to PDF's

  • Downloading PDF copies of articles from Liberty’s library subscription databases and then uploading them to Canvas for your students usually violates copyright law and our vendor license agreements.
  • Even for articles you wrote, making just one copy of PDF's doesn't allow us to track numerous individual student article downloads to show that expensive databases are being used and thus should be retained.
  • Even if an article is available on the web, provide a link and not a copy.  If the copyright status of the web article is questionable, link to our databases instead.