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Nursing Research Guide: Databases

This research guide features resources and strategies for finding information and conducting research related to Nursing.

Introduction to Nursing Databases

The Jerry Falwell Library provides you with access to numerous nursing databases. Each database provides a unique search experience and provides different scholarly materials. If you need medical literature, with components that go down to the cellular level, top databases include PubMedPubMed CentralCINHALMEDLINE Ultimate, and DynaMed (best for reference and background information). 

For resources related to the intersection of Christianity and nursing, consider looking for resources in the Journal of Christian Nursing or the Christian Periodical Index

Articles are published in journals; journals are aggregated by databases. Using a database allows you to search across thousands of journals simultaneously, thus allowing you to find articles relevant to your research.  

Nursing Databases

Counseling Videos

Evidence Based Resources

These resources have significant sub-sections of evidence-based research.