For more information about citing reports from the WHO, see section 3.13.2 of the AMA Manual.
Publications from the World Health Organization
WHO Publications with Attributed Authors or Editors
Template: Author(s) or Editor(s). Title of publication in sentence case. Name of organization, department, office, or team; publication date. Accessd [date]. URL (or DOI, if provided).
Example: Santos AC, Nonvignon J, Blankson P, Johnson A, Aikins M, eds. Economic costs of air pollution in Accra, Ghana. World Health Organization; 2021. Accessed August 11, 2021.
WHO Publications without Attributed Authors
Template: World Health Organization. Title of publication in sentence case. Name of organization, department, office, or team; publication date. Accessed [date]. URL (or DOI, if provided).
Example: World Health Organization. Regulatory situation of herbal medicines: a worldwide review. World Health Organization; 1998. Accessed July 23, 2020.