APA Format Quick Guide -Includes sample papers for graduate and doctoral students, APA-7 templates for papers for graduate and doctoral students, a comprehensive citation guide for APA 7th edition, and additional resources related to the current APA format.
Choosing Appropriate Resources for Academic Papers
Course Description:
Theories and research in educational learning theory will be examined, including recent theories and research about classroom management, learning, motivation, diversity, exceptionalities, assessment, and teaching. Discussion, analysis of cases, examination of personal experiences in schools, cooperative projects, and other activities will also be included.
Course Rationale:
In order to become an effective educational leader in a diversified society, the candidate must be able to understand current theories and research in the field of educational learning theory. This exploration will include an emphasis on child development, learning, teaching strategies, assessment, diversity, exceptionalities, motivation, at-risk students, and classroom management.
On the library web page:
Physical books, E-books and video materials are found in the JFL catalog. Physical books can be borrowed through InterLibrary Loan. E-books and videos have links giving online access.
There are a number of E-book databases that give access to E-book titles in addition to those found in the JFL catalog. To find these:
On the library web page:
Specific databases can be found by the first letter of the title (A-Z) or by Subject.
General databases can be found under Featured Resources: "Top Databases" or "EBSCO Quick Search."
Apply principles of effective instruction to improve instructional practices and curricular materials through class discussion, application of readings, and the analysis of journal literautre in educational learning theory.
Learning theory education. (2021). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Learning_theory_(education)&oldid=1044345181
Sample Journal Artices
The following journal articles are related to Learning Theory.
Afifi, M. K., & Alamri, S. S. (2014). Effective principles in designing e-course in light of learning theories. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education TOJDE, 15(1), 128-142. https://doi.org/10.17718/tojde.43806
Barnhardt, B., & Ginns, P. (2014). An alienation-based framework for student experience in higher education: New interpretations of past observations in student learning theory. Higher Education, 68(6), 789-805. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-014-9744-y
Illeris, K. (2015). The development of a comprehensive and coherent theory of learning. European Journal of Education, 50(1), 29-40. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejed.12103
Jarvis, P. (2015). Learning expertise in practice: Implications for learning theory. Studies in the Education of Adults, 47(1), 81-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/02660830.2015.11661676
Sample E-books
Pagliaro, M. M. (2013). Academic success: applying learning theory in the classroom. Rowman & Littlefield Education. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/liberty/detail.action?docID=1565257
Use appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement by conducting an analysis of the affordances for and hindrances to student learning and motivation in a school.
Sample Journal Articles
Bahri, A., & Corebima, A. D. (2015). The contribution of learning motivation and metacognitive skill on cognitive learning outcome of students
within different learning strategies. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(4), 487. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/contribution-learning-motivation-metacognitive/docview/2343752530/se-2
King, H. (2016). Learning spaces and collaborative work: Barriers or supports? Higher Education Research and Development, 35(1), 158-171.
Liton, H. (2016). Harnessing the barriers that impact on students' English language learning (ELL). International Journal of Instruction, 9(2), 91-
106. 10.12973/iji.2016.927a
Design learning environments that fit students' developmental levels and capitalize on student diversity to improve learning.
Sample Journal Article
Denson, C. D., Hailey, C., Stallworth, C. A., & Householder, D. L. (2015). Benefits of informal learning environments: A focused examination of STEM-based program environments. Journal of STEM Education, 16(1), 11. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/benefits-informal-learning-environments-focused/docview/1689879030/se-2?accountid=12085
Ellerbock, C. R., & Kiefer, S. M. (2014). Fostering an adolescent-centered community responsive to student needs: Lessons learned and suggestions for middle level educators. The Clearing House, 87(6), 229-235. https://doi.org/10.1080/00098655.2014.933157
Jechura, J., Wooldridge, D. G., Bertelsen, C., & Mayers, G. (2016). Exploration of early-childhood learning environments. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 82(3), 9. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/exploration-early-childhood-learning-environments/docview/1770514343/se-2?accountid=12085
Asivai, R. (2014). Students perception of the condition of their classroom physical learning environment and its impact on their learning and motivation. College Student Journal, 48(4), 716-726.doi: 10.1007/s10984-012-9122-6
Sample Dissertation
Monahan, K. D. (2009) Influence of technology on adolescent development and spiritual formation (Doctoral dissertation). Liberty University Digital Commons. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/doctoral/261/
Sample E-Books
Reid, G. (2005). Learning styles and inclusion. Paul Chapman Pub. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781446212523
Ambrose, S. A. (2010). How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/liberty/detail.action?docID=529947
Promote the best practices for student learning through the knowledge of theory and research on learning, cognition, and memory, including information processing, cognitive, and constructivist perspectives.
Sample Articles
Ali, R., Bakar, Z. A., & Akhtar, N. (2014). The demarcation of cognitive and learning style: Myth or reality as an impediment in educational research. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 22(2), 76. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/demarcation-cognitive-learning-style-myth-reality/docview/1664462090/se-2?accountid=12085
Gürlen, E. (2012). Meaningful learning and educational environment. Journal of Education and Future, (1), 21. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/meaningful-learning-educational-environment/docview/1504180201/se-2?accountid=12085
Carpenter, A. D. (2015). Sanctification as a human process: Reading calvin alongside child development theory. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 35(1), 103-119. https://doi.org/10.1353/sce.2015.0012
Sample E-books
Pritchard, A. (2009). Ways of Learning. London, GBR: DAvid Fulton Publishers. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com
Carr-Chellman, A. (2014). Instructional Design for Teachers. Florence, US: Routledge. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com
Apply knowledge, dispositions, and performances necessary for assessing learning environments, and implementing context-appropriate strategies.
Sample Articles
Baron, H.B., Crespo, R.G., Espada, J.P., & Martinez, O.S. (2014). Assessment of learning in environments interactive through fuzzy cognitive maps. Soft Computing 19(4) 1037-1050. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00500-014-1313-x
Koopman, M., Bakx, A. W. E. A., & Beijaard, D. (2014). Students’ goal orientations and learning strategies in a powerful learning environment : A case study. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43, 186-196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2014.07.003
Reimann, P., Kickmeier-Rust, M., and Albert, D. (2013). Problem solving learning environments and assessment: A knowledge space theory approach. Computers & Education 64(5) 183-193. doi:10.1016/s.compedu.2012.11.024
Sample E-books
Pritchard, A. (2009). Ways of Learning. London, GBR: DAvid Fulton Publishers. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com
Carr-Chellman, A. (2014). Instructional Design for Teachers. Florence, US: Routledge. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com
Outcome F
Apply a biblical worldview to the analysis of the literature reviews, readings, and research in educational learning theory.
Sample Article
Jones, T. P. (2013). Editorial: How a biblical worldview shapes the way we teach our children. Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry, 4(1) https://www.galaxie.com/article/jdfm04-1-01
Sample Books
Phillips, W.G., (2008). Making sense of your world: A biblical world view. Salem, WI: Sheffield Publishing Co.
Huffman, D, S, (ed).) (2011). Christian contours: How biblical worldview shapes the nind and heart. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications.
Lee, H. (ed.) 2010. Faith-based education that consturcts: A creative dialogue between constructivism and faith-based education. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.
Outcome G
Design a theoretical framework supporting an approved research question.