Why Use This Page?
This site is meant to be a research guide for people who are researching history topics. It is important to:
1) Verify you understand your assignment. Can you use books and articles? Do you need to locate primary sources? Does your information have to be from a certain time period?
2) Can you use reference materials? These often give a great brief overview of your topic. You can see some suggestions in the Encyclopedias & Dictionaries tab above.
3) Do you need resources specific to a certain class? Your history classes come with a prefix (i.e. HIEU, HIUS, etc.). We've outlined some specific resources for those courses in the "Specific / Additional Resources" section.
4) Do you need help writing your paper? The writing center can help you. If you're an online student, please contact this department: Online Writing Center.
5) Ask Us. Finally, don't forget you can also ask us if you need help.
** So, what do you need? **
1 article or 1 primary source -- Try our general resource list under our Databases tab.
To get a better understanding of my topic -- Ask your professor for help, ask a libarian for help, or try our Encyclopedia and Dictionaries listed in one of the tabs above.
A lot of books -- Try our Books & E-books tab
As much as we have -- 1) Be sure you understand your assignment, 2) Get an overview of the topic, 3) Do some general research, 4) Try course specific tools under "Specific / Additional Resources". 5) Plan enough time to get materials from other libraries. 6) Ask us if you need any help.