Other Guides and Resources
Liberty offers a Master of Education for School Counselors. In addition to the Counseling resources above, these databases have Education resources of interest to School Counselors.
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print generally only lists "commercially available" instruments that would generally have to be purchased to be used for your research. Health and Psychosocial Instruments is a much larger database of instruments, containing both researcher-developed and commercially available instruments. There are a number of free instruments developed by researchers that are available for use with the permission of the developer. PsycTests contains many free instruments, and often also includes permission for their use.
The most frequently cited results in Google Scholar for a particular topic are often scholarly articles regarding the development, reliability, and validity of a test instrument used to measure the search term you entered. Contact a Research & Instruction Librarian for assistance in finding reliable and valid testing instruments that meet your criteria.
In addition to searching our other psychological databases, we have the specialized PILOTS database.