The JFL databases listed on this page are organized in boxes by the focus of the material they present.
If conducting searches from the JFL databases page, some will be found on the Modern Languages Page. Some are located on the Education Page and General Databases can be found under Browse by Letter.
This database includes abstracts and index of international journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. Covers theoretical and applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, speech therapy, interpersonal communication, and group communication.
It is the only databases dedicated solely to language topics.
JSTOR is a general database but maintains large coverage in the humanities, social science, and sciences (both ebooks and articles). It contains some primary as well as secondary source material.
Credo has full-text reference resource with articles, images, audio files, and videos covering every major subject . It is useful for gaining background knowledge of your topic. It may have useful references to further material useful to your research.
It provides single-search capability for a large number of databases on various topics.
ProQuest Central brings together databases across all major subject areas, including Language.
This database includes journals, some full-text, books, and conference papers covering education research from early childhood to higher education for all educational specialties.
Full-text articles, dissertations, and other relevant sources in the field of education can be found here.
Provides video demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms as well as ready-to-use teaching information such as course, study, and discussion guides, assessment checklists, and themed playlists.
Education-related literature including journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books, and monographs are found here.
Presents peer-reviewed international journal articles and conference papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of educational technology and e-Learning