This course guide for NBST 621-Hebrews, is intended to direct you to electronic resources that will aid you in your assigned exegetical paper and to instruct you in how to find commentaries and scholarly journal articles for your paper.
Biblical commentaries on the letter to the Hebrews will discuss issues related to the epistle. These include authorship, recipients or audience, date of composition and other related issues. Good commentaries will seek to understand the human author's intended meaning and will deal with the interpretive problems within the text. These commentaries will interpret the whole book verse by verse starting with chapter 1 verse 1 to the end of the epistle or book.
Finding Commentaries;
Below you will find several commentaries on the epistle of Hebrews. You may need to find additional commentaries.
After you enter a search a list of journal article titles should be retrieved; click on the title to see the full text.