APA Style
RefWorks - Organize your research and easily generate reference lists.
If you have an article or book that you feel would benefit your research, use InterLibrary Loan. We have a system of sharing items with other libraries. Visit InterLibrary Loan and see if they can help. It is a free service of the Jerry Falwell Library.
Reserve Books
This list contains physical books that are put on reserve to use for projects in this class. Please go to the library customer service desk on the main level and request to borrow any of these books that are in the reserve room. They are only available for short borrow times so all the students can use these items.
Search for books in the JFL Catalog here.
If you are having trouble finding books, use http://www.worldcat.org to find books at other libraries that you can then request through InterLibrary Loan (ILL).
Finding Articles in our databases:
Using Find Resources box in the Advanced Search option
Use terms such as baroque AND history AND interior design
Using ProQuest Central in the advanced Search option
Use terms such as baroque AND "interior design"
a result is The 19th Century Style of Art in the Context of Contemporary Terminology, Article
Evaluate whether the information is from a reputable source, works within time frame needed, relevant, accurate, and eduational.